Directorios Sech


Dra. Priscilla Ledezma


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Dr. Nicolás Ferraro

Endodontist. Board member of the Endodontic Society of Chile.

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Secretaria General

Dra. Marcia Antúnez

Endodontist. Secretary of the Endodontic Society of Chile.

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Dra. Karin Weinborn

Endodontist. Treasurer of the Endodontic Society of Chile.

Apoyo Empresas

Dra. Macarena Vega

Endodontist. Pro-Treasurer of the Endodontic Society of Chile.

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Comité Científico

Dr. Wenceslao Valenzuela

Dental surgeon. Endodontist. Board member of the Endodontic Society of Chile.

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Comité Científico

Dr. Rodrigo Hevia Miranda

General dentist and endodontic specialist at Clínica Mirhé.

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Coordinadora Nacional de Filiales

Dra. Claudia Pineres

Director Revista Canal Abierto

Dr. Jaime Abarca

Dental surgeon. Endodontist. Member of the Endodontic Society of Chile.

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